Made with Love

Who has won a medal or trophy of some kind?.


Senior Member
Joined Sep 7, 2014
Messages 17
When I was 14 years old, I joined a very athletic family for a round of 9 hole golf. They were all great golfers and I had never done it before.

The Dad, had set up small cash prizes for things like lowest score on a single hole, longest drive, etc.

The prizes were in the range of 25 cents.

I won a nickel for the highest score.

Oddly, I was pleased to get it, but I never played golf again.

Maurice Boscorelli

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Joined May 30, 2010
Messages 19,322
I won quite a lot of trophies and those sew on decals growing up playing mainly baseball.

I had a great arm and led practically every team I played on in hitting but my Achilles heal so to speak was that I didn't have any foot speed so In my 20's I was relegated to industrial league play. Had loads of fun though.

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